

STON is written entirely in Python. To make it work you will neec the following packages:

  • PySide6: This the graphical interface library. We coded it using version

  • Pillow and numpy : This is what allows us to manipulate images and data. We used Pillow version 10.3.0 and number version 2.2.1.

  • matplotlib: this is what we use to display images (version 3.10.0)

  • scikit-image: For region identification, version 0.25.0


We advise you to create a dedicated python environment when you install STON. See here for more details.

Install from pip

For the moment, STON is available on the test server of Pypi. You can install it using the following command:

python -m pip install --extra-index-url STON

Install from github

To install from github you can:

  • Clone the repository and create a local install from it

  • Use pip to install it directly from github:

pip install git+