Don't touch your code anymore!

Last updated on 2024-08-05 | Edit this page



  • How can you modify your code configuration without touching it?


  • Learn how to set up configuration files using a simple INI file
  • Be able to create simple command line interfaces with argparse


Research software is often based on a trial-error or trial-trial loops. You will often find yourself trying to rerun a code with different parameters to try different configuration of your experiment. So far what we have seen deals with the design of the code itself and how to make it cleaner, more readable and maintainable. BUT! what if you need to try something new by changing few parameters of your code? You will need to go and change the code itself! And it is very likely that you will do this a few times (or a lot!). Along the way, and unless you are able to track very well all your trials, you will probably loose track of some of them. In addition, modifying endlessly the code increase greatly the risk of introducing errors…

In order to avoid such problems we are going to see a couple of options that are easily available and implementable:

  • Configuration files
  • Command line interface

Configuration files

Advantages of using configuration files

Using configuration files in a research context offers several specific benefits that can greatly enhance the efficiency, reproducibility, and manageability of research projects. Here are the key reasons why configuration files are beneficial in a research setting:

  • Reproducibility: Configuration files ensure that experiments can be easily replicated by maintaining consistent settings across different runs. This is critical for verifying results and peer review.

  • Parameter Management: Research often involves experimenting with various parameters. Configuration files allow researchers to manage and tweak these parameters without altering the core codebase, enabling easier experimentation and optimization.

  • Collaboration: Research projects often involve collaboration between multiple researchers. Configuration files provide a clear and centralized way to share settings, making it easier for team members to understand and modify the setup as needed.

  • Documentation: Well-structured configuration files serve as documentation for the experimental setup. They provide a clear and organized record of the settings used, which is crucial for understanding and interpreting results.

  • Version Control: Configuration files can be versioned alongside the code using version control systems like Git. This makes it easy to track changes in experimental setups over time and understand the impact of these changes on the results.

How to build configuration files? What library should I use?

As it is often the case in Python, multiple options are available:

key1 = value1
key2 = value2


key1 = value1

key = value3

INI files are structured as (case sensitive) sections in which you can list keyword/value pairs (like for a dictionary) separated by either the = or : signs. Values can span multiple lines and comments are accepted as long as the extra lines are indented with respect to the first line.

  • JSON: Originally developed for JavaScript, they are very popular in web applications. The module to read these files is json and also part of the standard library.
  "section1": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"
  "section2": {
    "key1": "value1"

JSON files are also structured as section and keyword/value pairs. JSON files start with an opening brace { and end with a closing brace }. Then each section comes with its name followed by :. Then key/value pairs are listed within braces (one for each section). Nevertheless, comments are not allowed.

  • YAML Files: are also a popular format (used for github action for example). In order to read (and write) YAML files, you will need to install a third party package called PyYAML.
  key1: value1
  key2: value2

  key1: value1

# Comments

YAML files work also with sections and keyword/value pairs.

Configparser: loading and writing config files

In the following we will be using INI files. We will start by a simple exercice on writing a configuration file, manually.


Using the text editor of your choice, create an INI file with three sections: simulation, environment and initial conditions. In the first section, to parameters are given: time_step set at 0.01s and total_time set at 100.0s. The environment section also has two parameters with gravity at 9.81 and air_resistance at 0.02. Finally the initial conditions are: velocity at 10.0 km/s, angle at 45 degrees and height at 1 m

Creating a file 'config.ini' with the following content.

time_step = 0.01
total_time = 100.0

gravity = 9.81
air_resistance = 0.02

velocity = 10.0
angle = 45.0
height = 0.0

Reading configuration files

Reading an INI file is very easy. It requires the use of the Configparser library. You do not need to install it because it comes as part of the standard library. When you want to read a config file you will need to import it and create a parser object which will then be used to read the file we created just above, as follows:


##Import the library
import configparser 

##Create the parser object
parser = configparser.ConfigParser()

##Read the configuration file'config.ini')

From there you can access everything that is in the configuration file. Firstly you can access the section names and check if sections are there or not (useful to check that the config file is compliant with what you would expect):


>>> print(parser.sections())
['simulation', 'environment', 'initial_conditions'] 



Eventually, you will need to extract the values in the configuration file. You can get all the keys inside a section at once:


>>> options = parser.options('simulation')
['time_step', 'total_time']

You can also extract everything at once, in that caseeach couple key/value will be called an item:


>>> items_in_simulation = parser.items('simulation')
>>> print(items_in_simulation)
[('time_step', '0.01'), ('total_time', '100.0')]

That method will return a list of tuples, each tuple will contain the couple key/value. Values will always be of type string.

Finally, you can access directly values of keys inside a given section like this:


>>> time_step = parser['simulation']['time_step']
>>> print(time_step)

By default, ALL values will be a string. Another option is to use the method .get():


>>> time_step_with_get = parser.get('simulation', 'time_step')
>>> print(time_step_with_get)

It will also be giving a string…And that can be annoying when you have some other types because you will have to convert everything to the right type. Fortunately, other methods are available:

  • .getint() will extract the keyword and convert it to integer
  • .getfloat() will extract the keyword and convert it to a float
  • .getboolean() will extract the keyword and convert it to a boolean. Interestingly, you it return True is the value is 1, yes, true or on, while it will return False if the value is 0, no, false, or off.

Writing configuration files

In some occasions it might also be interesting to be able to write configuration file programatically. Configparser allows the user to write INI files as well. As for reading them, everything starts by importing the module and creating an object:

#Let's import the ConfigParser object directly
from configparser import ConfigParser

# And create a config object
config = ConfigParser()

Creating a configuration is equivalent of creating a dictionaries:

config['simulation'] = {'time_step': 1.0, 'total_time': 200.0}
config['environment'] = {'gravity': 9.81, 'air_resistance': 0.02}
config['initial_conditions'] = {'velocity': 5.0, 'angle': 30.0, 'height': 0.5}

And finally you will have to save it:

with open('config_file_program.ini', 'w') as configfile: ##This open the condif_file_program.ini in write mode

After running that piece of code, you will end with a new file called config_file_program.ini with the following content:

time_step = 1.0
total_time = 200.0

gravity = 9.81
air_resistance = 0.02

velocity = 5.0
angle = 30.0
height = 0.5

Using command line interfaces

Definition & advantages

A Command Line Interface (CLI) is a text-based interface used to interact with software and operating systems. It allows users to type commands into a terminal or command prompt to perform specific tasks, ranging from file manipulation to running scripts or programs.

When writing research software CLIs are particularly suitable:

  • Configuration: Using CLI it is easy to modify the configuration of a software without having to touch the source code.

  • Batch Processing: Researchers often need to process large datasets or run simulations multiple times. CLI commands can be easily scripted to automate these tasks, saving time and reducing the potential for human error.

  • Quick Execution: Experienced users can perform complex tasks more quickly with a CLI compared to navigating through a GUI.

  • Adding New Features: Adding new arguments and options is straightforward, making it easy to extend the functionality of your software as requirements evolve.

  • Documentation: CLI helps document the functionality of your script through the help command, making it clearer how different options and parameters affect the outcome.

  • Use in HPCs: HPCs are often accessible through terminal making command line interfaces particularly useful to start codes from HPCs.

Creating a command line interface in Python

In Python, there is a very nice module called argparse. It allows to write in a very limited amount of lines a nice command line user interface. Again, that module is part of the standard library so you do not need to install anything.

As for the configuration files, we must start by importing the module and creating a parser object. The parser object can take a few arguments, the main ones are:

  • prog: The name of the program
  • description: A short description of the program.
  • epilog: Text displayed at the bottom of the help

We would proceed as follows:


###import the library
import argparse

###create the parser object
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='My program',
                                 description='This program is an example of command line interface in Python',
 				 epilog='Author: R. Thomas, 2024, UoS')

Now we need to add arguments. To do so we need to use the add_argument method, part of the parser object:


###Add positional argument

Using this type of argument (‘filename’ and ‘outputdir’) will make them mandatory. The user will have to pass a filename AND an output directory to the program. It is worth mentioning that they will have to be passed in the right order by the user. It is useful sometimes to create optional arguments. This will be done using a - sign as first character in the name of the argument:


###Add optional arguments
parser.add_argument('-s', '--start')

You can either use the single dash (‘-s’), or double dash (‘–color’) or both. When given two options to call an argument, the user will have to make a choice on how to call it.

It is possible to use extra options to define arguments, we list a few here:

  • actions: this options allows you to do

  • default: This allows you to define a default value for the argument. In the case thr argument will not be used by the user, the default value will be selected: parser.add_argument('--color', default='blue').

  • type: By default, the argument will be extracted as strings. Nevertheless, it is possible to have them interpreted as other types using the type argument: parser.add_argument('-i', type=int). It the user passes a value that cannot be converted to the expected type an error will be returned.

  • choices: If you want to restrict the values an argument can take, you can use the choice option to add this contraints: parser.add_argument('--color', choiced=['blue', 'red', 'green']). If the user pass ‘purple’ as value, an error will be raised.

  • help: finally, and it is probably the most important option, you can provide a short description of the argument: parser.add_argument('--color', help='Color of the curve displayed in the plot')

Finally you must be able to retrieve all the argument values:

###retrieve all arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
print(args.start, args.e, args.color)

Final exercice: Mixing command line interface and configuration file

For this last part of the final lecture we will combine both package we just reviewed: argparse and configparser. Find the instructions below:


The program that you will create will take an optional configuration file. If not configuration file is given, the program will load an internal one that you can find here (you need to put this next to your code). To do this you will create an optional argument --file.


  • --name: This argument requires a name. If it is used, the value given will replace the default name in the configuration file.
  • --save: This argument require a directory as value. If used, the configuration is saved into that directory under the name X_config.ini where X is the name of the user found in the configuration file OR the one given by the --name argument.

AHAHAHAHA you really though it would be that easy…. :)